Options d’inscription

General Presentation - This course is an introduction to the field of labor economics. It focuses on applied theory and empirical analysis. Its aim is to acquaint students with traditional topics in labor, as well as to encourage the development of their research interests. Topics to be covered are the following: labor supply and demand, job search, migration, discrimination, and other topics of interest to labor economists.

General Outline
Introduction: Definitions, Facts, Trends
PART 1 – SUPPLY: 1. Standard Neoclassical Model of Labor Supplys, 2. Welfare Prorams, 3. Family Labor Supply, 4. Job Search
PART 2 – DEMAND: 1. Labor Demand, 2. An Application to Technological Change
PART 3 – TOPICS in Labor Economics: Migration, Discrimination, etc.

[B] Borjas, George J. Labor Economics. 6th ed. Boston, MA: McGraw-Hill/Irwin, 2013.
[ES] Ehrenberg, Ronald G., and Robert S. Smith. Modern Labor Economics. Theory and Public Policy. 11th ed. Prentice Hall, 2012.
[CZ] Advanced : Cahuc, Pierre, and André Zylberberg. Labor economics. 1st ed. MIT press, 2004.
[BFW] Specialized in gender and family issues : Blau, Francine D., Marianne A. Ferber, and Anne E. Winkler. The Economics of Women, Men, and Work. 6th ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 2009.

Indicative Reading List (will change from one year to the next):
•    Aguiar, M., Bils, M., Charles, K. K., & Hurst, E. (2017). Leisure luxuries and the labor supply of young men (No. w23552). National Bureau of Economic Research.
•    Eissa, N., & Liebman, J. B. (1996). Labor supply response to the earned income tax credit. The quarterly journal of economics, 111(2), 605-637.
•    Kleven, H., Landais, C., & Søgaard, J. E. (2018). Children and gender inequality: Evidence from Denmark (No. w24219). National Bureau of Economic Research.
•    Lalive R., Van Ours, J. & J. Zweimüller (2006). How Changes in Financial Incentives Affect the Duration of Unemployment, The Review of Economic Studies, 73(4), pp. 1009-1038.
•    Dorn, D., Katz, L. F., Patterson, C., & Van Reenen, J. (2017). Concentrating on the Fall of the Labor Share. American Economic Review, 107(5), 180-85
•    Hershbein, B., & Kahn, L. B. (2018). Do recessions accelerate routine-biased technological change? Evidence from vacancy postings. American Economic Review, 108(7), 1737-72.

Complément intitulé: Labor Economics
Nom normé: UP1-PROG-02-U4B401-119 - DU Panthéon Sorbonne Master in Economics;02U1109 - labor economics - Cours magistral
Nom abrégé normé: UP1-PROG-02-U4B401-119 - DU Panthéon Sorbonne Master in Economics;02U1109 - Cours magistral
Chemin ROF: /École d'économie de la Sorbonne/DU Panthéon Sorbonne Master in Economics;/École d'économie de la Sorbonne/Master 1 Economie du développement/Semestre 2/UE2 Options/labor economics
Chemin ROFid: /02/UP1-PROG-02-U4B401-119;/02/UP1-PROG-02-M1B403-119/UP1-PROG-ELP-B403S219/UP1-C-ELP-B4E03419/UP1-C-ELP-02U1109
Code Apogée: ;02U1109
RofId: UP1-PROG-02-U4B401-119;UP1-C-ELP-02U1109
Nom ROF: DU Panthéon Sorbonne Master in Economics;labor economics
Composante: ;École d'économie de la Sorbonne
Semestre: ;2
Niveau: ;M1
Niveau LMDA: ;Masters
Niveau année: ;4
Composition: ;Cours magistral
Catégories de cours supplémentaires rattachements ROF: 1354
Diplôme: DU Panthéon Sorbonne Master in Economics;Master 1 Economie du développement
Domaine ROF: [Sciences économiques] Sciences économiques;[Sciences économiques] Sciences économiques
Type ROF: [U4] ;[M1]
Nature ROF: [4] BAC+4;[4] BAC+4
Cycle ROF: [2] ;[2]
Rythme ROF: [Initiale] initiale;[Initiale] initiale
Langue: [] ;[]
Acronyme: ;
Mention: Diplôme d'université;Economie du développement
Spécialité: ;Economie du développement
Parcours: ;
Attente de validation: Oui
Responsable enseignement (ROF): ;
Demandeur Id: 193081
Date demande: mercredi 28 juin 2023, 09:51
Générateur: Manuel via assistant (cas n°2 ROF)
Modèle: [31038]UP1-PROG-02-U4B401-119-35 - Labor Economics
Url fixe: EES-M1-LaborEcon
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