Topic outline
Dear User,
This internet page provides some activities to help teach and learn English.
Please use them as you wish.
Kind regards,
Nicholas Sowels
Email: -
The PDF files below provide some simple explanations of AI and ChatGPT that can also be used as lessons for language learners. Some files are about "General" issues concerning AI. Others relate to "Education" and to "Learning English".
Simple work sheets for listening and learning vocabulary.
Simple work sheets on songs and other activities.
From Jean Sabiron, excellent listening material here (short radio extracts for repeated listening).
Amazing material to learn English on #LearnEnglishWithMovies on Youtube, including:
" / / and many, many others...
From Joséphine Remon : interactive games / listening-speaking-reading-writing / generators and other activities.
Grammar on line seems pretty good. The general grammar section is here.
Many good exercises (gap filling, crosswords), and the website of Englisch-hilfen.
Many, many excellent exercises for elementary, intermediate and advanced level grammar at English Grammar.
The British Council grammar website is a reference.
From Carine Kool, see examples of connectors below (and, because, however, etc.).
Youglish is an excellent site that allows you to listen to words in context (it accesses videos with British, American and Australian pronunciation) (Suggested by Oualid).
These links were posted by Guillaume Coatalen on the SAES message list in March 2020:and
Ecoutez la prononciation des 3 formes
BBC English: Tim's Pronunciation Workshop
Play Phrase me gives expressions as used in films. It is available on Youtube, but can also be downloaded on smartphones. It seems excellent.
Proverbs on Anglais facile, suggested by Cathy Roche-Liger.
Phrasal verbs: i) a list by, and ii) exercises by and PDF worksheets here with English Grammar.
Irregular verbs: great list and exercises with
Here are some tips and advice about finding a job.
Great videos by Linda Spencer from the Harvard Extension School.
Work sheets of vocabulary and exercises on several areas in economics.