B5PE1422 - Globalisation and the Environment - Cours magistral
This course explores the relationship between globalization and the environment. After studying the impact of international trade on the environment, the course examines the channels of pollution (transport, invasive species, land use), the opportunities for environmental protection offered by multilateral trade rules, and the opportunities offered by "deep" regional agreements. The final part of the course analyzes the effects of trade-related environmental provisions on firms and pollution, and the modalities of carbon offsetting at borders.
Informations sur l'espace de cours
Nom | Globalisation and the Environment - Lionel Fontagné |
Nom abrégé | UP1-C-ELP-B5PE1422-03 - Lionel Fontagné |
Enseignants | Fontagné Lionel |
Groupes utilisateurs inscrits | Consultation des ressources, participation aux activités :
Rattachements à l'offre de formation
Élément pédagogique | UP1-C-ELP-B5PE1422 - Globalisation and the Environment |
Chemin complet | > Année 2024-2025 > Paris 1 > École d'économie de la Sorbonne > Master 2 Commerce international et environnement > Semestre 4 > UE1 4 cours au choix > Globalisation and the Environment |