B2010420 - Economie internationale : Economie et politique européenne - Cours magistral

This course will introduce students to the main issues of economics and politics of European integration from the treaty of Rome to the contemporary eurozone crisis by using an economic and a political economy approach. The course addresses key economic questions that arise from the process of integration.

The lecture begins with an historical perspective on the European integration since 1950, which aims to explain the political economy of the Treaty of Rome (1957) and of the Single Market (1986) as well as the functioning of the EU institutions. Chapter 2 is devoted to the Treaty of Maastricht (1992), that is to the Economic and Monetary Union (EMU).  Chapter 3 deals with the resulting institutional framework for the monetary policy and national fiscal policy. The aim of chapter 4 is to highlight the economic roots of the Eurozone crisis thanks to a comparative political economy perspective on the growing divergences between national economies, which are at the origin of the twin crises (banks and sovereign debts). Finally, the last chapter explains the main responses to the crisis.

Informations sur l'espace de cours

Nom Archive année 2021-2022 Economie internationale : Economie et politique européenne - European Economics and Policy
Nom abrégé UP1-C-ELP-B2010420-07 - European Economics and Policy
Groupes utilisateurs inscrits Consultation des ressources, participation aux activités :
  • [2021] EES - Matière (L2-S2) : Economie internationale : Economie et politique européenne (groups-matiB2010420-2021)
Consultation des ressources uniquement : aucune cohorte inscrite.

Rattachements à l'offre de formation

Élément pédagogique UP1-C-ELP-B2010420 - Economie internationale : Economie et politique européenne
Chemin complet > Année 2024-2025 > Paris 1 > École d'économie de la Sorbonne > Licence 1ère-2ème année Economie > semestre 4 > UE2 Approche thématique > Economie internationale : Economie et politique européenne