B5R50715 - Methods in empirical development economics - Cours magistral;UP1-PROG-02-MIB502-119 - Master 2 Indifférencié Economie du développement durable;UP1-PROG-02-MRB505-119 - Master 2 Recherche Development economics

The course will be divided into two blocks : (1) Presentation of new data, methods and software applied to development economics, (2) collective projects.


Section 1 : Presentation of new data, methods and softwares applied to Development Economics

Chapter 1 (6 hours): New data applied to development economics

Presentation of new data in Development (satellites, nightlights, mobile phone, social media,  geo-climatic data) and their use in the Development Economics literature

Chapter 2 (6 hours): Field data collection and management

How to collect data on the field:  the project submission, the ethical approval (IRB), survey design and sampling, survey coding, data processing, data reporting

Chapter 3 (6 hours): GIS data, QGIS and application in Development

Presentation of GIS data, introduction to QGIS, conception of maps and coding

Chapter 4 (6 hours): PYTHON, Data Management and Web Scraping

Introduction to Python, Data Management and analysis with Python, Web scraping with Python


Section 2 : Collective projects

Students will be divided into 3 groups to conduct a small project on a specific topic in development related to the methods presented in the first section.

Group 1 : Conception of a survey (using GeoDK), data collection and data processing using R / Stata

Group 2:  Conception of maps using Qgis, coding and data processing using R / Stata

Group 3 : Small project on Python / R  (Data management, web scraping)

Each group will be supervised by a teacher who will assist students in their project. A final workshop will be organized to present the final output.

6 hours (TD) for each group.

Informations sur l'espace de cours

Nom Archive année 2022-2023 Methods in empirical development economics - Empirical Methods in Development Economics
Nom abrégé UP1-C-ELP-B5R50715-03 - Empirical Methods in Development Economics
Groupes utilisateurs inscrits Consultation des ressources, participation aux activités : aucune cohorte inscrite.
Consultation des ressources uniquement : aucune cohorte inscrite.

Rattachements à l'offre de formation

Élément pédagogique UP1-C-ELP-B5R50715 - Methods in empirical development economics
Chemin complet > Année 2024-2025 > Paris 1 > École d'économie de la Sorbonne > Master 2 Recherche Development economics > Semestre 3 > UE2 Enseignements de méthodes > Methods in empirical development economics
Élément pédagogique UP1-PROG-02-MIB502-119 - Master 2 Indifférencié Economie du développement durable
Chemin complet > Année 2024-2025 > Paris 1 > École d'économie de la Sorbonne > Master 2 Indifférencié Economie du développement durable
Élément pédagogique UP1-PROG-02-MRB505-119 - Master 2 Recherche Development economics
Chemin complet > Année 2024-2025 > Paris 1 > École d'économie de la Sorbonne > Master 2 Recherche Development economics