UP1-PROG-02-MRB504-119 - Master 2 Recherche Politiques publiques;B5R40715 - Regulation : Theory and Practice - Cours magistral

The course aims at presenting the latest theoretical and empirical developments in regulation economics. We briefly discuss the theoretical foundations of regulation. Based on the regulation of network industries, we then examine the recent literature focusing on the implementation problems that have appeared in practice and how they are analyzed in theory. We focus on various regulatory tools that have raised efficiency problems such as: auction and other procurement procedures used to organize competition for the market, benchmarking and yardstick regulation, tariff regulation. We also examine issues linked to governance issues such as regulator's independence and powers, corruption and lobbying, complementarities vs. substituability among various regulators, political aspects of regulation and the evaluation of regulatory efficiency.


Informations sur l'espace de cours

Nom Archive année 2022-2023 Master 2 Recherche Politiques publiques
Nom abrégé UP1-PROG-02-MRB504-119-21
Groupes utilisateurs inscrits Consultation des ressources, participation aux activités :
  • [2022] MRB504 - Master 2 Politiques publiques (diploma-MRB504-2022)
Consultation des ressources uniquement : aucune cohorte inscrite.

Rattachements à l'offre de formation

Élément pédagogique UP1-PROG-02-MRB504-119 - Master 2 Recherche Politiques publiques
Chemin complet > Année 2024-2025 > Paris 1 > École d'économie de la Sorbonne > Master 2 Recherche Politiques publiques
Élément pédagogique UP1-C-ELP-B5R40715 - Regulation : Theory and Practice
Chemin complet > Année 2024-2025 > Paris 1 > École d'économie de la Sorbonne > Master 2 Recherche Politiques publiques > Semestre 3 > UE2 Applications > Regulation : Theory and Practice