G5DU3119 - UE1 Introduction to french & european law -

Welcome everybody, you will find below all usefull indications and documentation regarding to the class "Introduction to Fench and European Business Law.

Informations sur l'espace de cours

Nom Archive année 2022-2023 UE1 Introduction to french & european law - UE1 Introduction to French ans European Business Law
Nom abrégé UP1-C-ELP-G5DU3119-01 - UE1 Introduction to French ans European Business Law
Groupes utilisateurs inscrits Consultation des ressources, participation aux activités :
  • [2022] U5G503 - Sorbonne LLM Business Law for Foreign Lawyers (diploma-U5G503-2022)
Consultation des ressources uniquement : aucune cohorte inscrite.

Rattachements à l'offre de formation

Élément pédagogique UP1-C-ELP-G5DU3119 - UE1 Introduction to french & european law
Chemin complet > Année 2024-2025 > Paris 1 > EDS - Dépt. droit intern. eur. & comparé > Sorbonne LLM Business Law for Foreign Lawyers > semestre 1 > UE1 Introduction to french & european law