The course is intended to provide not only an overview, but also some detailed aspects of French and European corporate law for lawyers coming from other countries.

Complément intitulé: Linxin He
Nom normé: G5U32519 - Corporate law -
Nom abrégé normé: G5U32519 -
Chemin ROF: /EDS - Dépt. masters droit intern. europ./Sorbonne LLM Business Law for Foreign Lawyers/semestre 1/UE2 Basics of french & european business law/Corporate law
Chemin ROFid: /07/UP1-PROG-07-U5G503-119/UP1-PROG-ELP-G5U3S119/UP1-C-ELP-G5DU3319/UP1-C-ELP-G5U32519
Code Apogée: G5U32519
RofId: UP1-C-ELP-G5U32519
Nom ROF: Corporate law
Composante: EDS - Dépt. masters droit intern. europ.
Semestre: 1
Niveau: M1
Niveau LMDA: Autres
Niveau année: 4
Diplôme: Sorbonne LLM Business Law for Foreign Lawyers
Domaine ROF: [Sciences juridiques] Sciences juridiques
Type ROF: [U5]
Nature ROF: [5] BAC+5
Cycle ROF: [2]
Rythme ROF: [Continue,Initiale] continue,initiale
Langue: []
Mention: Diplôme d'université
Attente de validation: Yes
Demandeur Id: 279630
Date demande: Thursday, 14 October 2021, 4:13 PM
Approbateur proposé Id: 279630
Approbateur effectif Id: 279630
Date validation: Thursday, 14 October 2021, 4:13 PM
Date fermeture: Monday, 31 January 2022, 12:00 AM
Date archivage: Wednesday, 20 July 2022, 12:00 AM
Générateur: Manuel via assistant (cas n°2 ROF)
Modèle: [651]EPI vierge (vide)
Nom normé: G5U31119 - Introduction to french &european judicial system &proceeding - Cours magistral
Nom abrégé normé: G5U31119 - Cours magistral
Chemin ROF: /EDS - Dépt. masters droit intern. europ./Sorbonne LLM Business Law for Foreign Lawyers/semestre 1/UE1 Introduction to french & european law/Introduction to french &european judicial system &proceeding
Chemin ROFid: /07/UP1-PROG-07-U5G503-119/UP1-PROG-ELP-G5U3S119/UP1-C-ELP-G5DU3119/UP1-C-ELP-G5U31119
Code Apogée: G5U31119
RofId: UP1-C-ELP-G5U31119
Nom ROF: Introduction to french &european judicial system &proceeding
Composante: EDS - Dépt. masters droit intern. europ.
Semestre: 1
Niveau: M1
Niveau LMDA: Autres
Niveau année: 4
Composition: Cours magistral
Diplôme: Sorbonne LLM Business Law for Foreign Lawyers
Domaine ROF: [Sciences juridiques] Sciences juridiques
Type ROF: [U5]
Nature ROF: [5] BAC+5
Cycle ROF: [2]
Rythme ROF: [Continue,Initiale] continue,initiale
Langue: []
Mention: Diplôme d'université
Attente de validation: Yes
Demandeur Id: 172993
Date demande: Friday, 10 December 2021, 12:24 PM
Approbateur proposé Id: 172993
Approbateur effectif Id: 172993
Date validation: Friday, 10 December 2021, 12:24 PM
Date fermeture: Monday, 31 January 2022, 12:00 AM
Date archivage: Wednesday, 20 July 2022, 12:00 AM
Générateur: Manuel via assistant (cas n°2 ROF)
Modèle: [651]EPI vierge (vide)