Exam format

Exam format

by Sowels Nicholas -
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Dear Students,

As I have explained in class, in the exam you will be given a choice of at least 6 questions, at least one for each of the 6 sections of the course.

You will be asked to answer ONE question. NOT two, nor three, nor six - you would be amazed to see some of the exam papers I have received over the years :-)

The idea is to encourage you to explore one of the sections a bit more, rather than try to revise the whole course. BE CAREFUL, you may want to revise a "back-up" question just in case the question for your favourite section is not quite what you were expecting.

However, all of the questions will be quite broad - I try to avoid setting trick questions!

I will expect you to write a reasonably well-structured essay, using your knowledge to answer the question. Make sure you get basic facts right, and if you quote particular economists, make sure you spell their names correctly, etc.! :-)

You will three hours to do the exam, so take a bit of time planning your answer - this is very much the French way "préparer un plan de dissertation" :-)

Don't hesitate to ask questions in the next class.

Kind regards,
Nicholas Sowels