UP1-PROG-06-MGF501-119 - Magistère Finance

Welcome to your online course!

You will find links in this area to your weekly classes when they are online, as well as quizzes, homework and other assignments.

There will also be a forum area where you can ask rapid questions rather than using email.

This does not mean more specific or detailed questions should be asked in the forum.

For quick "yes / no" answers that you may require, or when communicating as a group for presentations, you can use the forum area.

I very much hope to see you all soon in class and that this second confinement is but a brief interlude  away from our beloved Sorbonne!

Take care and see you soon, be it online or in class!

Dominic Thorpe

Informations sur l'espace de cours

Nom Archive année 2020-2021 Magistère Finance - English for Finance - MGF401 - Online / Blended learning classes
Nom abrégé UP1-PROG-ETP-MGF401-119-07 - English for Finance - MGF401 - Online / Blended learning classes
Groupes utilisateurs inscrits Consultation des ressources, participation aux activités :
  • [2020] MGF401 - Magistère Finance et Gestion option Finance 2ème année (diploma-MGF401-2020)
Consultation des ressources uniquement : aucune cohorte inscrite.

Rattachements à l'offre de formation

Élément pédagogique UP1-PROG-ETP-MGF401-119 -
Chemin complet > Année 2023-2024 > Paris 1 > École de management de la Sorbonne > Magistère Finance > UP1-PROG-ETP-MGF401-119 Référence cassée