B40B0519 - International Trade -


Cours : International Trade

Master 1 Economie Internationale et Environnement 

Année 2021-22 – Semestre 1

Enseignant : Maria Bas – Université Paris 1


Introduction: Trade Theories, Gains From Trade, Specialization and Intra-industry trade

A- Ricardian Theory and extensions based on EK 2002 model

B- Trading goods and factors

C- Increasing return to scale and trade

Part 1:  Firm level facts and Heterogenous firms model

A- Empirical evidence on firm heterogeneity and trade

B- Determinants of firm’ export and import decisions

C- Models of Trade and Heterogeneous Firms (Melitz, 2003)

D- Extensions of the baseline model

Parti 2: FDI, Firm Heterogeneity and Global Sourcing

A- Determinants of location decision of MNF

B- Determinants of sourcing decision of MNF

C- FDI Spillovers: Do local firms benefit from the presence of MNF? 

Part 3: Trade liberalization and firm performance

A- Trade and firm productivity

B- Trade and product innovation

C- The role of product quality in international trade

Part 4: Trade and Labor Markets 

A- Determinants of skilled premium 

B- Trade liberalization and wages


The final grade is based on an average between the final exam (50% of total grade) and the grade on the review sessions (TDs) (50% of total grade).


-Amiti, M. and Davis, D., 2012. Trade, Firms, and Wages: Theory and Evidence, Review of Economic Studies, vol. 79(1) 1 -36.

-Amiti, M. and Konings, J., 2007, Trade Liberalization, Intermediate Inputs, and Productivity. American Economic Review, December vol. 97(05), pp.1611-1638.

-Bernard, A., Jensen, J.B., Redding, S. and P. Schott 2007, Firms in International Trade, Journal of Economic Perspectives.

-Chaney, T, 2008, Distorted Gravity: The Intensive and Extensive Margins of International Trade. American Economic Review, September 2008, 98(4): 1707-21.

-Eaton, J., and S. Kortum. 2002. “Technology, Geography, and Trade.” Econometrica, 70(5):1741–79.

- Melitz, M, and S. Redding. 2014. “Heterogeneous Firms and Trade.” Handbook of International Economics, 4th ed, 4:1-54. Elsevier, 4, 1-54.

- Melitz, M., 2003, The impact of Trade on Intra-Industry Reallocations and Aggregate Industry Productivity, Econometrica, Vol 71, No. 6, 1695-1725. 

- Melitz, M., Ottaviano, G., 2008. Market Size, Trade, and Productivity, Review of Economic Studies, 75, 295–316.

- Pavcnik, Nina, 2002, Trade liberalization, Exit and Productivity improvements: Evidence from Chilean Plants, Review of Economic Studies, 69, 245-276.

- Yeaple, S, 2009, Firm heterogeneity and the structure of U.S. multinational activity, Journal of International Economics 78 (2009) 206–215.

Informations sur l'espace de cours

Nom Archive année 2020-2021 International Trade
Nom abrégé UP1-C-ELP-B40B0519-03
Groupes utilisateurs inscrits Consultation des ressources, participation aux activités :
  • [2020] M1B40B - Master 1 Economie internationale et environnement (diploma-M1B40B-2020)
Consultation des ressources uniquement : aucune cohorte inscrite.

Rattachements à l'offre de formation

Élément pédagogique UP1-C-ELP-B40B0519 - International Trade
Chemin complet > Année 2023-2024 > Paris 1 > École d'économie de la Sorbonne > Master 1 Economie internationale et environnement > semestre 1 > UE2 économie internationale et environnement > UP1-C-ELP-B40B5519 Référence cassée > UP1-C-ELP-B40B5119 Référence cassée > International Trade