B5R50319 - Development theory : Macroeconomics and Historical perspect - ;UP1-PROG-02-MRB505-119 - Master 2 Recherche Development economics;UP1-PROG-02-MIB502-119 - Master 2 Indifférencié Economie du développement durable
This course features topics in development economics where theoretical modelling and empirical analysis combine to deliver deeper analysis on a growth and development question. At a theoretical level we will convey the intuition of the mechanisms at work using simple economic models. At the empirical level we will discuss the results from selected studies. The first part of the course will focus mostly on political economy questions, as well as on growth/development economics. And the second part of the course examines competing hypotheses on the role of institutions and culture for long-term economic growth and cross-country differences in economic outcomes.
The course is organized around a series of lectures with required readings (marked **). Students must prepare for the class by reading the required articles ahead of the class.
Informations sur l'espace de cours
Nom | Archive année 2023-2024 Development theory : Macroeconomics and Historical perspect |
Nom abrégé | UP1-C-ELP-B5R50319-07 |
Groupes utilisateurs inscrits | Consultation des ressources, participation aux activités :
Rattachements à l'offre de formation
Élément pédagogique | UP1-C-ELP-B5R50319 - Development theory : Macroeconomics and Historical perspect |
Chemin complet | > Année 2024-2025 > Paris 1 > École d'économie de la Sorbonne > Master 2 Recherche Development economics > Semestre 3 > UE1 Enseignements fondamentaux > Development theory : Macroeconomics and Historical perspect |
Élément pédagogique | UP1-PROG-02-MRB505-119 - Master 2 Recherche Development economics |
Chemin complet | > Année 2024-2025 > Paris 1 > École d'économie de la Sorbonne > Master 2 Recherche Development economics |
Élément pédagogique | UP1-PROG-02-MIB502-119 - Master 2 Indifférencié Economie du développement durable |
Chemin complet | > Année 2024-2025 > Paris 1 > École d'économie de la Sorbonne > Master 2 Indifférencié Economie du développement durable |