The course of "Macroeconomics: Economic Growth" (Maria Bas and Goulven Rubin) studies the models of economic growth that aim to answer the following questions: Why are some countries so rich and others so poor?  Which are the determinants of economic growth? Do countries converge in the long-run to the same level of income? Which are the determinants of technical progress? What creates growth miracles in some countries?. The course describes the measures of economic growth as well as the main stylized facts in empirical works: (1) There are huge differences in per capita income across economies, (2) Countries grow at different rates, (3) Growth rates vary over time, (4) Comparing a country to others reveals that its relative per capita income can change over time, (5) the average growth rate of output per person has been positive and relatively constant over time in US, (6) Growth in output and growth in the volume of international trade are closely related, (7) Both skilled and unskilled workers tend to migrate from poor to rich countries or regions. The course presents models of economic growth from the canonical model of Solow with exogenous technological progress to the more recent endogenous growth models of Romer and the Schumpeterian growth models that make technological progress endogenous. 

Complément intitulé: Macroeconomics: Economic Growth
Nom normé: B3013119 - Macroeconomics: Economic growth - Cours magistral;B3E01120 - UE1 Approche analytique -
Nom abrégé normé: B3013119 - Cours magistral;B3E01120 -
Chemin ROF: /École d'économie de la Sorbonne/Licence 3ème année Economie/Semestre 5/UE1 Approche analytique/Choix macroéconomie en anglais ou en français/Macroeconomics: Economic growth;/École d'économie de la Sorbonne/Licence 3ème année Economie/Semestre 5/UE1 Approche analytique
Chemin ROFid: /02/UP1-PROG-02-L3B301-119/UP1-PROG-ELP-B301S519/UP1-C-ELP-B3E01120/UP1-C-ELP-B3015519/UP1-C-ELP-B3013119;/02/UP1-PROG-02-L3B301-119/UP1-PROG-ELP-B301S519/UP1-C-ELP-B3E01120
Code Apogée: B3013119;B3E01120
RofId: UP1-C-ELP-B3013119;UP1-C-ELP-B3E01120
Nom ROF: Macroeconomics: Economic growth;UE1 Approche analytique
Composante: École d'économie de la Sorbonne;École d'économie de la Sorbonne
Semestre: 5;5
Niveau: L3;L3
Niveau LMDA: Licences;Licences
Niveau année: 3;3
Composition: Cours magistral;
Catégories de cours supplémentaires rattachements ROF: 1353
Diplôme: Licence 3ème année Economie;Licence 3ème année Economie
Domaine ROF: [Sciences économiques] Sciences économiques;[Sciences économiques] Sciences économiques
Type ROF: [L3] ;[L3]
Nature ROF: [3] BAC+3;[3] BAC+3
Cycle ROF: [1] ;[1]
Rythme ROF: [Initiale] initiale;[Initiale] initiale
Langue: [] ;[]
Acronyme: ;
Mention: Economie;Economie
Spécialité: ;
Parcours: ;
Attente de validation: Yes
Responsable enseignement (ROF): ;
Demandeur Id: 137138
Date demande: Friday, 8 September 2023, 1:52 PM
Approbateur proposé Id: 137138
Approbateur effectif Id: 137138
Date validation: Friday, 8 September 2023, 1:52 PM
Générateur: Manuel via assistant (cas n°2 ROF)
Modèle: [29208]UP1-C-ELP-B3013119-04 - Macroeconomics: Economic Growth