Options d’inscription

The course covers a range of topics in corporate finance starting with capital budgeting, CAPM and other valuation instruments. The course then proceeds identifying the driving forces behind capital structure decisions and choices over debt and equity finance. In this context we will also discuss financing frictions that differentiate the functioning of perfect capital markets from imperfect capital markets. A second part of the course covers some specific topics in corporate finance: the decision to go public, mergers and acquisitions, corporate governance issues and the role of sustainability for investment and financing decisions.



First module – Lecturer: Santiago Garcia

1.     Overview of financial instruments and capital budgeting

2.     Portfolio theory and CAPM

3.     Capital structure

4.     Valuation and payout policy


Second module – Lecturers: Claudia Guagliano (CG) and Valerio Novembre (VN)

5.     Perfect and imperfect capital markets (CG)

6.     Market frictions and behavioural finance (CG)

7.     IPO decision / M&A/LBO (VN)

8.     An overview of capital markets listing (VN)

9.     Agency problems and corporate governance (VN)

10.  Sustainability in investment and financing decisions (CG)

11.  Digital assets and the role of FinTech in corporate financing decisions (CG)

12.  The development of the European Capital Markets Union (VN)

Complément intitulé: Principles of Finance- PSME 2023-2024
Nom normé: 02U1309 - principles of finance - ;02U1309 - principles of finance -
Nom abrégé normé: 02U1309 - ;02U1309 -
Chemin ROF: /École d'économie de la Sorbonne/DU Panthéon Sorbonne Master in Economics/Semestre 2 General Track/UE1 : Options/principles of finance;/École d'économie de la Sorbonne/DU Panthéon Sorbonne Master in Economics/Semestre 2 Financial Econ/UE1 : Cours fondamentaux/principles of finance
Chemin ROFid: /02/UP1-PROG-02-U4B401-119/UP1-PROG-ELP-U4BAS221/UP1-C-ELP-U4HA1221/UP1-C-ELP-02U1309;/02/UP1-PROG-02-U4B401-119/UP1-PROG-ELP-U4BBS221/UP1-C-ELP-U4HB1221/UP1-C-ELP-02U1309
Code Apogée: 02U1309;02U1309
RofId: UP1-C-ELP-02U1309;UP1-C-ELP-02U1309
Nom ROF: principles of finance;principles of finance
Composante: École d'économie de la Sorbonne;École d'économie de la Sorbonne
Semestre: 2;2
Niveau: M1;M1
Niveau LMDA: Autres;Autres
Niveau année: 4;4
Composition: ;
Catégories de cours supplémentaires rattachements ROF: 1356
Diplôme: DU Panthéon Sorbonne Master in Economics;DU Panthéon Sorbonne Master in Economics
Domaine ROF: [Sciences économiques] Sciences économiques;[Sciences économiques] Sciences économiques
Type ROF: [U4] ;[U4]
Nature ROF: [4] BAC+4;[4] BAC+4
Cycle ROF: [2] ;[2]
Rythme ROF: [Initiale] initiale;[Initiale] initiale
Langue: [] ;[]
Acronyme: ;
Mention: Diplôme d'université;Diplôme d'université
Spécialité: ;
Parcours: ;
Attente de validation: Oui
Responsable enseignement (ROF): ;
Demandeur Id: 64482
Date demande: mercredi 31 janvier 2024, 10:24
Approbateur proposé Id: 64482
Approbateur effectif Id: 64482
Date validation: mercredi 31 janvier 2024, 10:24
Générateur: Manuel via assistant (cas n°2 ROF)
Modèle: [31105]UP1-C-ELP-02U1309-06 - Principles of Finance- PSME 2021-2022
Url fixe: 02-DU-PSME-Introduction_to_Finance
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