Population, Migration and Development

Hillel Rapoport, Paris School of Economics: hillel.rapoport@psemail.eu

Master “Development Economics” and “International Economics”, Winter 2024

Meetings: Wednesday, 14:00-17:00




How does migration affect economic development in home countries? The literature has long emphasized the role of remittances, and of self-selection (e.g., brain drain) on poverty, inequality, human capital formation or other socio-economic outcomes in developing countries. A more recent strand of the literature explores the role of migration networks/diasporas in promoting the economic and cultural integration of source countries into the global economy. This is what the course is about. It will review recent research showing the connections between migration and other dimensions of globalization. The first part of the course will focus on economic globalization (trade, FDI, financial flows, as well as knowledge and technology diffusion). The second part of the course will focus on cultural globalization (in terms of political and other social preferences, and on cultural convergence). At a theoretical level we will convey intuitions on the channels at work using simple models. At the empirical level we will discuss the results from selected studies, mixing cross-country comparisons and natural experiments.

 Grading scheme: Final oral exam 100%

Complément intitulé: Population, Migration and Development
Nom normé: UP1-PROG-02-MRB50D-123 - M2 Rech Development economics - PUJ (étudiants Colombiens)
Nom abrégé normé: UP1-PROG-02-MRB50D-123 - M2 Rech Development economics - PUJ (étudiants Colombiens)
Chemin ROF: /École d'économie de la Sorbonne/M2 Rech Development economics - PUJ (étudiants Colombiens)
Chemin ROFid: /02/UP1-PROG-02-MRB50D-123
RofId: UP1-PROG-02-MRB50D-123
Nom ROF: M2 Rech Development economics - PUJ (étudiants Colombiens)
Diplôme: M2 Rech Development economics - PUJ (étudiants Colombiens)
Domaine ROF: [Sciences économiques] Sciences économiques
Type ROF: [M2]
Nature ROF: [5] BAC+5
Cycle ROF: [2]
Rythme ROF: [Initiale] initiale
Langue: []
Mention: Economie du développement
Spécialité: Development economics
Attente de validation: Oui
Demandeur Id: 124138
Date demande: vendredi 12 janvier 2024, 13:14
Approbateur proposé Id: 124138
Approbateur effectif Id: 124138
Date validation: vendredi 12 janvier 2024, 13:14
Générateur: Manuel via assistant (cas n°2 ROF)
Modèle: [651]EPI vierge (vide)