This course addresses issues of collective action, mobilisations, and civil society, at the transnational (and, especially, European) level. Moving away from elections and party politics, it focuses on political actions undertaken by a variety of actors outside the political field. These can be ordinary citizens organising grassroots mobilisations, but also non-political elites (business elites, corporations, intellectuals, ...) seeking to influence decision-making. At the European level, these mobilisations face serious challenges and raise the question of the possibilities of the existence of a European civil society and a European public sphere, generally considered as key elements of a democratic polity. The course provides a general overview of scholarship on these topics and presents numerous case studies of (trans)national mobilisations in Europe and beyond.

Nom normé: L4060422 - Europe, transnational mobilisations and civil society - Cours magistral
Nom abrégé normé: L4060422 - Cours magistral
Chemin ROF: /Science politique/M1 Science politique parcours Affaires publiques européennes/semestre 2 M1 APE/UE1 Enseignement de spécialité/Europe, transnational mobilisations and civil society
Chemin ROFid: /11/UP1-PROG-11-M1L406-122/UP1-PROG-ELP-L406S222/UP1-C-ELP-L4P06222/UP1-C-ELP-L4060422
Code Apogée: L4060422
RofId: UP1-C-ELP-L4060422
Nom ROF: Europe, transnational mobilisations and civil society
Composante: Science politique
Semestre: 2
Niveau: M1
Niveau LMDA: Masters
Niveau année: 4
Composition: Cours magistral
Diplôme: M1 Science politique parcours Affaires publiques européennes
Domaine ROF: [Sciences politiques] Sciences politiques
Type ROF: [M1]
Nature ROF: [4] BAC+4
Cycle ROF: [2]
Rythme ROF: [Initiale] initiale
Langue: []
Mention: Science politique
Spécialité: Affaires publiques européennes
Parcours: Affaires publiques européennes
Attente de validation: Yes
Demandeur Id: 373689
Date demande: Tuesday, 23 January 2024, 4:01 PM
Approbateur proposé Id: 373689
Approbateur effectif Id: 373689
Date validation: Tuesday, 23 January 2024, 4:01 PM
Générateur: Manuel via assistant (cas n°2 ROF)
Modèle: [651]EPI vierge (vide)