Il reste des places pour le cours de Nanocellulose

Il reste des places pour le cours de Nanocellulose

par Leveque Elodie,
Nombre de réponses : 0

Bonjour à tous, 

Theanne Schiros du New York Fashion Institute, donnera un cours pratique le 15 janvier de 10h00 à 17h00 sur la biofabrication de nanocellulose pour la restauration, rue Malher. Ce cours est particulièrement intéressant pour ceux qui s'intéressent aux matériaux organiques.

Que ceux qui souhaitent s'inscrire se manifestent au plus vite ! Il reste 3 places.


Biofabrication Workshop 

January 15, 2025 10am to 5pm

9 rue Malher, salle 105

Nanocellulose for conservation: Building better Conservation with Biology


Part 1: Introduction to Biofabrication, Microbial Nanocellulose, Microbial Nanocellulose Materials for Conservation 1 hour with discussion

Part 2: characterization - functional and environmental performance Life cycle impact assessment and biodegradation studies (30min plus discussion)

Lab work (students work in small groups of 2-3): 

Part 1: Biofabrication. Grow your own nanocellulose biofabric

Part 2: Purification. Purify your pellicle (Microbial nanocellulose biofilm) - 1 hour

Part 3: Green Chemistry Bioprocessing - Emulsion Tanning (24-48 hour soak)

Part 4: Drying - demo paper press to dry, molding while wet, printing painting?

A bold vision of our future is one in which all human made materials and built with biology and compatible with nature.  

Chemistry is giving way to biofabrication, using the same kind of fermentation used to make wine, bread or kombucha, microbial cells can now make the building blocks for textiles, cars and construction. This class introduces students to fundamentals of biofabrication coupled with paleo-inspired green chemistry processing to create regenerative materials with tailored properties, with a focus on microbial nanocellulose and its applications to conservation. A lab component will provide students with hands-on experience in biofabrication and bioprocessing for a new generation of materials.