Archive année 2024-2025 Anglais N5 Lee-Six

Representations of class in the novels, cinema, and theatre of sixties’ Britain

Les représentations de la classe dans les romans, dans le cinéma, et dans le théâtre britanniques des années soixante

The decade from the late 1950s to the late 1960s was an unusually rich time for British culture: a new generation of novelists, playwrights, and directors set about rocking the boat of mainstream culture (a generation associated with more or less useful labels such as the ‘British New Wave’, ‘New Cinema’, or ‘The Angry Young Men’). At the heart of this cultural conjuncture – and, to some extent, in contrast to previous artistic fashions – was a determination to represent the British working class. What did this reframing involve geographically, socially, and stylistically? The aim of this seminar series will be, on the one hand, to use these materials to practise and improve your command of English, while, on the other hand, to problematize the representation of class in art.

Informations sur l'espace de cours

Nom Archive année 2024-2025 Anglais N5 Lee-Six
Nom abrégé Anglais N5 Lee-Six
Groupes utilisateurs inscrits Consultation des ressources, participation aux activités :
  • [2024] Groupe pédagogique : Anglais S1 niveau C1 - ANG5A1017 (Representations of class in the novels, cinema and theatre of 1960s Britain) (groups-gpelp.57233-2024)
  • [2024] Groupe pédagogique : Anglais S1 niveau C1 - ANG5A1032 (Representations of class in the novels, cinema and theatre of 1960s Britain) (groups-gpelp.19183-2024)
  • [2024] Groupe pédagogique : Anglais S1 niveau C1 - ANG5A1054 (Representations of class in the novels, cinema and theatre of 1960s Britain) (groups-gpelp.19194-2024)
  • [2024] Groupe pédagogique : Anglais S1 niveau C1 - ANG5A1055 (Representations of class in the novels, cinema and theatre of 1960s Britain) (groups-gpelp.57261-2024)
Consultation des ressources uniquement : aucune cohorte inscrite.

Rattachements à l'offre de formation

Aucun rattachement ROF pour cet espace de cours.