Options d’inscription

Nom normé: G5I42616 - EU as a Global Actor - Cours magistral;G5I42616 - EU as a Global Actor - Cours magistral;G5I42616 - EU as a Global Actor - Cours magistral;G5I42616 - EU as a Global Actor - Cours magistral
Nom abrégé normé: G5I42616 - Cours magistral;G5I42616 - Cours magistral;G5I42616 - Cours magistral;G5I42616 - Cours magistral
Chemin ROF: /EDS - Dépt. masters droit intern. europ./M2I Global Business Law and Governance (mobilité Columbia)/Semestre 4 M2/UE1 optionnels S4/EU as a Global Actor;/EDS - Dépt. masters droit intern. europ./M2I Global Business Law and Governance_Columbia/IEP/Melbourn/Semestre 4 M2/UE1 optionnels S4/EU as a Global Actor;/EDS - Dépt. masters droit intern. europ./M2I Global Business Law and Governance (mobilité Hong-Kong)/Semestre 4 M2/UE1 optionnels S4/EU as a Global Actor;/EDS - Dépt. masters droit intern. europ./M2I Global Business Law and Governance (mobilité Melbourne)/Semestre 4 M2/UE1 optionnels S4/EU as a Global Actor
Chemin ROFid: /07/UP1-PROG-07-MIG504-119/UP1-PROG-ELP-G5I4S419/UP1-C-ELP-G5DI4219/UP1-C-ELP-G5I42616;/07/UP1-PROG-07-MIG505-119/UP1-PROG-ELP-G5I4S419/UP1-C-ELP-G5DI4219/UP1-C-ELP-G5I42616;/07/UP1-PROG-07-MIG506-119/UP1-PROG-ELP-G5I4S419/UP1-C-ELP-G5DI4219/UP1-C-ELP-G5I42616;/07/UP1-PROG-07-MIG509-119/UP1-PROG-ELP-G5I4S419/UP1-C-ELP-G5DI4219/UP1-C-ELP-G5I42616
Code Apogée: G5I42616;G5I42616;G5I42616;G5I42616
RofId: UP1-C-ELP-G5I42616;UP1-C-ELP-G5I42616;UP1-C-ELP-G5I42616;UP1-C-ELP-G5I42616
Nom ROF: EU as a Global Actor;EU as a Global Actor;EU as a Global Actor;EU as a Global Actor
Composante: EDS - Dépt. masters droit intern. europ.;EDS - Dépt. masters droit intern. europ.;EDS - Dépt. masters droit intern. europ.;EDS - Dépt. masters droit intern. europ.
Semestre: 4;4;4;4
Niveau: M2;M2;M2;M2
Niveau LMDA: Masters;Masters;Masters;Masters
Niveau année: 5;5;5;5
Composition: Cours magistral;Cours magistral;Cours magistral;Cours magistral
Catégories de cours supplémentaires rattachements ROF: 1381;1381;1381
Diplôme: M2I Global Business Law and Governance (mobilité Columbia);M2I Global Business Law and Governance_Columbia/IEP/Melbourn;M2I Global Business Law and Governance (mobilité Hong-Kong);M2I Global Business Law and Governance (mobilité Melbourne)
Domaine ROF: [Sciences juridiques] Sciences juridiques;[Sciences juridiques] Sciences juridiques;[Sciences juridiques] Sciences juridiques;[Sciences juridiques] Sciences juridiques
Type ROF: [M2] ;[M2] ;[M2] ;[M2]
Nature ROF: [5] BAC+5;[5] BAC+5;[5] BAC+5;[5] BAC+5
Cycle ROF: [2] ;[2] ;[2] ;[2]
Rythme ROF: [Initiale] initiale;[Initiale,Init. Ech.] ;[Initiale,Init. Ech.] ;[Initiale] initiale
Langue: [] ;[] ;[] ;[]
Acronyme: ;;;
Mention: Droit international;Droit international;Droit international;Droit international
Spécialité: Global Business Law and Governance;Global Business Law and Governance;Global Business Law and Governance;Global Business Law and Governance
Parcours: ;;;
Attente de validation: Oui
Responsable enseignement (ROF): ;;;
Demandeur Id: 203537
Date demande: mardi 16 janvier 2024, 14:38
Générateur: Manuel via assistant (cas n°2 ROF)
Modèle: [651]EPI vierge (vide)
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