Presentations November 10

Presentations November 10

par Charroin Mauvernay Liza,
Nombre de réponses : 0

Dear PhD track students, 

Few points for our next session (November 10):

  • We still have some discussants' slots that have not been filled. Our first presenters (Helena, Clémentine, Robin and Tristan) have to send their slides today to their discussants. Please, fill the table by today 5 pm or I will have to impose some discussants (and I prefer when it's on a voluntary basis).
  • Presenters: please upload your slides today on the EPI in the section Presentations (click on "Submit your presentation here"). If you really need more time, please contact me as soon as possible. Then I'll put them on the EPI to make them available to everyone. 
  • For presenters, you will have 20 minutes to present your Master's thesis project. The easiest would be for you to bring a USB key, or to send me the final version of your thesis before the class. 
  • For discussants, you have to prepare a 10-minute discussion. Other students will also ask you questions, as well as your teacher (it will be me next week).

Thanks a lot!

I wish you a nice day. 

Best regards, 

Liza Charroin.