Thesis Defence and Seminare

Thesis Defence and Seminare

par Negassi Syoum,
Nombre de réponses : 0

Dear students,

Two informations:

1. The defence scheduled for passed Monday is postponed to next Thurday 25 April at 11:00 am in my office E603 first floor. This concern only EGP students.

2. This concerns all stduents

Research seminar for EMS Masters studentsWe have the honour of inviting you to this seminar, which will take place on 26 April 2024 from 14:00 to 17:00 in the Amphi Turgot. We will be welcoming two specialists in energy financing, Professor Bill Latham and Professor Helen Bowers from the University of Delaware (USA). They will present the results of their analyses on the theme of "the economics and finance of energy and the environment".

Prof Syoum NEGASSI