OP and BKN schedules + OP groups to check

OP and BKN schedules + OP groups to check

par Selzner Cyril,
Nombre de réponses : 0

Dear M2 BF Students,

     you will find posted on this EPI (first section) two pdf files, one for each group, which recap what was decided in terms of groups and dates for your oral presentations, and the detailed schedule for your Breaking News short oral as well if you haven't done it already.

   Could you please check one more time if nothing is amiss in these files (if I have reported the wrong info for example).

If I am not mistaken, the following students are scheduled for Breaking News tomorrow (28 January):

 First group: Charles and Alexandre D.

 Second group: Tristan and Maya

   I apologise for the delay in posting this information; organising Licence matters has taken its toll (I am currently coordinator for L1 S2 English and it's been an administrative nightmare so far in some respects).

  See you tomorrow,

Best regards,

Cyril Selzner